Sure, most of us are pro's at layering clothes, it's the best trick around to stay stylish (and warm) in this chilly fall/winter weather. However, can you also say you're a pro at layering your skin care products? I can't count how many clients ask me which product to apply first, second, and last! The truth is, the order that you apply your products can make a dramatic difference in their potency! It can do a whole lot more for you than you'd imagine, trust me. Keep reading, and I'll tell you why!
I totally get it: On any given morning, you're eyeing your skin care products and wondering what goes where and when. I've been there! Cleanser, acne treatments, moisturizer, eye serum, SPF, etc. It's not easy to figure out (and remember) which to use first. Or second. Or last! Below is the scoop on maximizing your morning routine-if you need to please, write it down and tape it to your mirror! I promise you'll memorize it within just a few days, and your cutis will be noticeably brighter because of it!
The Secret Formula:
Step 1: Cleanser
You wanna start with a clean surface, so lather up!
Step 2: Mist/Toner
Not everyone uses one, but if you do, now's the time to spritz away.
Step 3: Treatments
The first cream product you apply should be medicinal, i.e., acne treatment cream or skin brightening treatment. You never want to apply a barrier product between them and your skin. Apply them first, and let them work their magic!
Step 4: Moisturizer
Hello! This is a NO-SKIP step! Everyone's epdiermis is thirsty, give it the hydration it craves or it will become cranky!
Step 5: SPF
Never, I repeat, never leave your house without applying an SPF. Which, surely, you already know.
So, you ask, does everyone need a 5 step layering routine? It depends on your skin type. There's no maximum number of products you should or shouldn't use. What truly matters is your personal limit. As in, how many products your esthetician recommends and how many you can apply without your face feeling awkward and, worse, not absorbing the products you invest in.
With all that said, if you love products like me and are truly devoted to your skin care routine and want healthy, clear, radiant cutis year-round, you may throw in some extras, like serums or oils. If so, just follow this rule: thinnest products should be applied first to absorb best! Just remember, the medicinal treatments for acne and dark spots are the exception. They should always be applied first. If you use a product that treats damage, always apply it post cleansing and pre misting! This way it penetrates deeper and it turn, works better, healing and bringing out your natural beauty in no time.
Layering may be the world's simplest, cost-effective way to recharge your skin care routine! Questions? Please call us and make an appointment with an esthetician to discuss your best options. PS: Don't forget to grab that stylish scarf on your way outside to keep your face and neck warm this winter! Don't you just love layering?